Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Preliminary assignment

Front Cover

Masthead: the name of the masthead is “Prosper’, I used this name because it’s meant to be a magazine to try and help students prosper and do well in school. I used the font colour green because it’s a fresh colour which reinforces that you can prosper in a natural way, such as revising.

For the contents page I wanted to have a image of the students to show that there is a link between the magazine as well as the students. The contents will be on the left hand side of the page as the eye reads the left hand side last which makes the page numbers memorable. I decided to umages to show what is in the magazine as I have found out that most of my target audience are interested in visual work rather than reading.
Strap line: I wrote the strap line using the name “Look inside for school of fun” the name of the font is Broadway, size 28 and bold, font colour Blue. This is a different font style from the other texts because I want it to stand out the most as it would be the first thing that the audience would see in the magazine.

Puff: I put a puff to advertise money for shopping as most teenagers enjoy free money, it catches their attention, the aqua blue fill color of the puff stands out and draws the attention of the reader to it.

Mid shot: I put a picture of someone who is slim and tall. I made the model wear something of what a model would wear however I made the model put a big bag and folders in my hand, this is because students stereotype other students with big back packs and folders clever and academic. Also I made sure that I didn’t look too old so that I would look like the age range of the Negus students. The picture is meant to link with the banner.

Texts: the more important stories are written in green so that it can match the masthead. They are all written with Times new roman and bold. The texts are all uniform with each other to make it come across as professional.
Publishers info- date: I put the date at the bottom of the magazine because its easy to visualize where it is.
Info banner: to show what the school specializes in.
Barcode: bottom right hand corner

Images: all of the images are relevant to the texts. Image number 3 and number 4 connect to the Negus students the most because the boy is from the school and the building of the school is what the Negus students are going to use. Number 1 and 2 are shadowed so that they can pop out.

Publisher info-writer: I wrote my name of the writer at the ends of the stories to show who wrote each story.

Banner: “you now need qualifications to become a model” written in green because its in contrast with the background so it stands out more, also because it is the same colour as the masthead so it shows that it has importance and significance. I put it in capital letters to reinforce the points more. I wrote exclusive because it is the top story in the magazine. The writing is the only text underlined to show that it is the main heading.

Publisher’s info- Price: the price is at the top of the magazine because the audience is more likely to remember the information at the beginning. I made sure that the price is affordable as my target audiences are students so there’s more of likeliness that they would purchase the magazine due to its affordability.

Contents page Draft

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